CSI: Crime Scene Investigation,第九季,第一集。过去九年来最悲伤的一个开始,原来以为编剧会把Warrick的案子办的有声有色,甚至会覆盖整季,类似于‘模型杀手’那样,结果看来编剧们更想尽快有一个新的开始,所以Warrick的案子本集就结案了。同时,更多的着眼点都在角色身上,破案的过程没有得到太多重视,William Petersen在结尾葬礼的那场戏奉献了相当出色的表演。没什么可说,这一集就是用来和Warrick告别。
As crime scene investigators, we meet people on the worst day of their lifes. They've just lost a family member, somebody they loved, often in a horrible way. A piece of their heart, is gone, will never be replaced. The phrase we trying to offer them, "I'm sorry for your loss", as we know now, doesn't offer much.
Warrick Brown was a young boy when his parents passed away, much too young to learn that life can be so tragically short. But I think it taught him how precious life is. And so he lived his life to his fullest, each day as if it was his last day. I was with Warrick on his last day.
All the qualities that defines him, his tenaciousness, his deep sense of loyalty, his courage to risk his life for what he knew was right, all those traits were with him on that last day.
Just before he died, we were all having breakfast together, our team, as friends, as family.And Warricak was, he was... I am going to miss him so much.