基本上每一集GA的开头和结尾,都有Meredith Grey的画外音,大体上都是一些生活感悟,用于给本集点题。有些时候会略显牵强,而有些时候和剧情配合的恰到好处,自从第四季开始我颇有些迷恋这些话,特别是当导演用配乐和剪辑把若干人的生活拼凑在一起,和那些独白产生共鸣的时候,我往往能念叨这些台词好几天。
最新这一集的主题是生活中的某一刻,你可以能有重大改变,你也许发觉自己长大了,也许发觉自己当上父亲了,也许发觉自己成为真正的外科医生了,用Grey的话说就是前一分钟你还不是,后一分钟你已经是了。总结一下说就是,不论是生活中的哪一件事,你会有一刻忽然发现你要fly solo了,而这样的‘成就’也许反过来就改变了你。
Meredith (opening voiceover): We assume the really
serious changes in our lives happen slowly, over time. But it's not
true. The big stuff happens in an instant. Becoming an adult, becoming
a parent, becoming a doctor: one minute you're not and the next, you
are. Ask any doctor and they can point to the one moment they became a
physician. It usually isn't med school graduation day. Wherever it is,
nobody forgets it. Sometimes you don't even know anything is changed.
You think you're still you and your life is still your life, but you
wake up one day and look around, and you don't recognize anything, not
anything at all.
Meredith (closing voiceover): You never forget the moment
you became a doctor. A switch flips. Suddenly you are not playing dress
up anymore. You own the white coat. What you may not notice is the
moment that being a doctor changes you.